Tanzania's first digital mental healthcare facility

1 in 4 people experience a mental health disorder at some point in their lives.

Stigma and lack of access to mental health services contribute to the burden, resulting in untreated conditions and preventable crises that impact individuals, families, and communities across Africa.

Our Impact

150,000+online engagement since the launch in June 2023
500+resolved helpline cases
200+Monthly retained App users

Why choose Ahadi?

Why choose Ahadi?
Your privacy is our priority. All interactions with AHADI are completely confidential, so you can feel safe and secure seeking support whenever you need it.
Ease of Use
Instant access of help, tools and availability in local languages
Matching Factor
We match clients with suitable therapists that meet their needs from our therapists profiles.
Cultural Sensitive
Available in local languages. African challenges need African solutions, aligning with cultural evolution while establishing a true sense of Trust and Ownership.

Why now?

Increased population & Life Pressures
Africa's population will double over the next three decades. Over 60% under the age of 25. Many will be subjected to increased risk of mental illnesses from increased life pressures.
Low number of mental health experts
Africa has the lowest number of mental healthcare experts, 1·4 workers per 100 000 people, compared with a global average of 9·0 per 100 000.
Wider treatment gaps
Poverty, limited awareness and Stigmatization fear widen the treatment gap (the proportion of those in need who go untreated).
Why now?

Our Approach

With a Hybrid online and offline model, We digitally connect you with mental health experts and self-help tools to cultivate mental wellbeing.

Instant HelpConfort & PrivacySave Money

Our Services

Individual Services

  • Free helpline
  • Therapy
  • Therapeutic journals
  • Support community

Individual Services

  • Pro Package: Foundational Support: Essential Care suite
  • Plus Package: Enhanced Support Suite
  • Comprehensive Package: Executive Empowerment
  • Tailored Executive Workshops

Ready to get started?
